Ochintya Sharma

Advisory Committee

Managing Partner and Co-FounderManaging Partner and Co-Founder, Oxome Consulting | Chevening Rolls-Royce Science and Innovation Leadership Fellow from the University of Oxford

Ochintya Sharma has spent more than three and a half decades in the areas of Wireless Communications, High-tech Software, and Executive Management. He is fortunate to have been an active participant in some of the defining technologies of our times: Cellular communications, GPS Navigation, Mobile Internet, Smartphones, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence.

His professional assignments include: Vice President, Samsung R&D India; Vice President Engineering, SiRF Technologies; Global Head of Engineering, Binatone; and Head of Wireless Internet SBU, Motorola India. He has also led two technology startups: TrueSpan Semiconductors and Hubble Connected.

He is the Co-Founder of Oxome Consulting, where he offers mentoring services in the areas of organizational strategy, innovation management, and artificial intelligence.

An avid quizzer, he has been the President of the Karnataka Quiz Association and a semi-finalist in the TV Show, BBC Mastermind. He did the photography for the coffee table book, Aakriti – The Unique Journey of Assam Type Houses. His first novel, Unannounced, was published last year.

Ochintya is a Chevening Rolls-Royce Science and Innovation Leadership Fellow from the University of Oxford.

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Address for Communication

North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd. (NEHHDC)
East Point Tower (5th & 6th Floor), Bamunimaidan, Guwhati, Assam
INDIA, PIN: 781021

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