Sayanika Deka



The idea is to develop a chicken powder based invigorating nutraceutical for managing muscle atrophy and fatigue in adults suffering from metabolic disorders, chemotherapy and severe infections. Muscle atrophy is the result of a negative balance between the rate of contractile protein synthesis and degradation. In catabolic conditions, muscle atrophy in combination with inactivity can decrease the capacity to perform activities of daily living, quality of life and subsequently increase mortality. The rate of muscle atrophy has been increasing at alarming rate in India due to high-fat, high-sugar diet patterns, obesity, and diabetes, but including other conditions such as sarcopenia , life style related nutrition deficiency. and packed with proper clinical consultation. It is a unique formulation using meat powder, tailor made for the geriatric patients, hexagenerial and nuclear families with prolonged working hours. The USP of the prototype lies in the fact that it is preservative free, admixture of adequate vitamins and minerals, sugar free, easy to digest which is packed in bio degradable packaging material.

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Address for Communication

North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd. (NEHHDC)
East Point Tower (5th & 6th Floor), Bamunimaidan, Guwhati, Assam
INDIA, PIN: 781021

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